Friday, March 15, 2013

Ethic Outreach Plan breaches FIPPA laws: Where is the OIPC Investigation?

This really downplays what was done by these BC Liberal insiders. This isn't just a standards of conduct breach, government officials breached provincial law, the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act. 

Where the hell is Commissioner Denham, of the Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner, about now? She better step up and investigate the use of confidential information collected by the government and the cavalier way these political operatives thought nothing of breaching citizens rights to privacy by sending all sorts of confidential information to their personal devices. You better believe this was a strategy to manipulate the use of information collected for different purposes and those citizens deserve an investigation and justice. 

Dyble report finds breaches of conduct, mis-use of government resources
Sean Leslie, CKNW (AM980), 3/14/2013

The Dyble report (read highlights of the report here) on the ethnic voting scandal is out and it's more bad news for the BC Liberals.

John Dyble has identified partisan activity among some government officials that breached the public service standards of conduct, and that some government resources were mis-used as part of this botched and flawed ethnic outreach plan.

The report finds some officials did not draw a boundary between their partisan and government roles, inappropriate activity occurred around the procurement of community liason contractors, confidential information such as contact lists from government events was inappropriately sent to personal email accounts and there were two serious instances of government resources being misused.

There was no evidence in this report that Premier Christy Clark was aware of or participated in anything inappropriate.

However, former cabinet minister John Yap is on record in this report as saying personal emails were being used to avoid Freedom of Information.

The Premier, in a written statement, says she accepts all of the recommendations.
One recommendation here is to consider further disciplinary action.


‘Culture of entitlement’: Auditor general uncovers secret payouts of almost $700,000 to legislature clerks
Sam Cooper, The Province March 14, 2013.

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